I have a crack in my windshield, is this covered by insurance?


Well, maybe!…

It depends!…

In Insurance there can be a lot of ‘clear as mud’ answers.

We’ve all been there.  You are driving down the interstate behind a big tractor trailer that kicks up a huge ROCK …or something worse…and it hits smack dab in the middle of your windshield!


Windshield replacement


And so starts the inevitable spidering of your windshield.

Depending on your schedule…you may let it go a little longer than you should, but as that crack begins to overtake your line of vision, you teeter on the line of a crack repair or a full windshield replacement.

If the crack is the size of or smaller than a dollar bill, glass companies can usually repair the damage without having to break the seal of the windshield. What happens if the crack is longer than a dollar bill? This will likely require a Windshield Replacement.


Windshield replacement

How much does it cost to replace a windshield?

What kind of car do you have? Does your windshield have sensors in it? The cost can range from $200 to $1,000 depending on what type of glass you need.


Will My Insurance Pay?

If you carry Comprehensive coverage on your auto policy then YES, the repair OR replacement will be covered by your insurance policy.  Glass coverage is included in Comprehensive coverage and is not subject to your Comprehensive policy deducible.


Sometimes there are companies who write policies and try to offer the ‘cheapest insurance’. To accomplish this, they may add separate deductibles for Glass or Personal Injury Protection.  Make sure to review your insurance to see if these sneaky deductibles have been included.

For recommendations on what glass companies to call in the event of a cracked or broken windshield, contact us!


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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Richardson Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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